Mr.Chips Chapter No.6



01. How was Katherine received at Brookfield?


What was the reaction of the wivws of the other masters on the arrival of Katherine?


How much popular was Katherine at Brookfield?

Katherine was warmly welcome at Brookfield. She was immensely popular with boys and master Alike. Even the wives of other masters could not resist her long. 

02. What kind of person was Mr. Chips before his marriage?

Mr. Chips was a conventional man before his marriage. He did not like the modern girls and modern ideas. He had no interest in politics. He was a strict teacher. He used old methods of teaching. He was not flexible at all.

03. What changes were brought by Katherine in Mr. Chips?


What influence did Katherine Bridges exercise on Mr. Chips?

Mr. Chips became a new man after his marriage with Katherine. He became broad-minded. His eyes gained sparkle. He began to feel greater strength. His discipline improved and he became very popular. His sense of humor increased. He became lenient and kind. The student started to love him.

04. What kind of jokes Mr. Chips used to relate to the students?

Mr. Chips used to relate little jokes which the students liked very much. His mnemonics and puns raised great laughter and at the same time imprinted something in the mind.

05. Which team came to Brookfield to play a football match and what was the result?

The team of Poplar boys from the East of London came to play a football match. They were defeated by seven goals to five.

06. Who gave the suggestion of the match between Brookfield and the Poplar boys and why?

Katherine gave the suggestion of the match between Brookfield and the Poplar boys. She thought the Poplar boys as important as those of Brookfield.

07. Why did the school authorities disagree with the idea of the match?

The school authorities disagree because they thought that the Poplar boys were poor and ill- mannered. They were hooligans who could not mix with the decent boys of Brookfield. They would create problems in Brookfield.

08. Who was old Gribble?

Old Gribble was the butler in the Brookfield school. Mr. Chips told the student there had not been anyone except Mr. Gribble who saw his wife.

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